well, well, well...
how things change in a few days.
since we last 'talked' i have done many things.
1) the long, lost friend i mentioned earlier - was in fact HER! we've emailed a dozen times to catch up, basically, we have been down similar paths with our relationships, she's still in hers, but not entirely thrilled to be. we have a phone visit planned for tomorrow night. i can hardly wait.
2) i debated switching jobs. another opportunity presented itself, i was offered the job but i turned it down. wasn't what i wanted for myself. it was a bit more money, but the work just wasn't what i wanted to do. instead, i've worked with my boss and the VP here to expand my role in this department, which should take me down the road i want to be on and hopefully, boost my wallet at the same time.
3) as recent as yesterday, i battled HIM over matilda. he informed me that she would be late to school friday because he had to work and it wasn't acceptable to me. it was the straw that broke the camel's back, as they say. the debate took place on e-mail, but my point was made. i said many things i needed to say, things i should have said long ago actually, but i said them. in the end, i won. which made me feel good. the point made was that HIM's job took priority over matilda and her schooling. the only solution was she be late so he could work. now, for those of you who don't know HIM's line of work, he takes call - and has always taken call for his job - in times when other parent's needed time off for child related outings, he'd take it for them. well, now it's THEIR turn to do the same for HIM. all he had to do was ask. so that's what i forced HIM to do. i could tell from his responses to me that what i said, struck a chord with HIM. and i'm glad. it's time i said the things i said. i never strayed from what was important, matilda, her schedule and her school. being late isn't good. i don't want her walking into an already 'in progress' activity an hour late. it's not acceptable. and i told HIM so. i still can't believe i won and yet, for some weird reason i feel like i lost something. i have to get over that and realize i did what i did, and said what i said, in support of matilda.
so - it's been an eventful week for me. shed some tears, good and bad ones, learned about myself, good and bad things and found a friend i wish i had never lost. only place to go is up i think!
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