Bex Prime

Monday, August 28, 2006

along came a kitty...

... and her name was wendy. i wanted to name her lola. merely only to title this blog as 'her name was lola...' and then finish with the copacabana song lyrics, but matilda liked the name 'wendy'. so wendy she shall be.

yes, we have a new member of the family and she is of the 4 legged, long hair, long tail and long whisker persuasion. very sweet. matilda adores her and oddly, wendy seems to adore matilda. she talks alot. no.. a. lot. so much that i worry my neighbors will complain. she's a teeny kitty but her lungs are strong and powerful. so i hope she grows out of the chattiness she has introduced us to recently.

we adopted her from a local organization and have been so happy to welcome her into our little home. matilda can't wait to see her and updates me on her every move around our casa. 'she jumped off the bed mommy!' 'she went under the bed mommy!' 'ooh - she's drinking her water!' it's very cute. matilda is in charge of treat giving. except, wendy doesn't seem to like the treats we bought her. another trip to the store is in order so we can find treats that are acceptable.

soo... one day when i figure out how to post a photo of wendy, i shall do so. until then... i'll fill you in on the daily adventures of matilda and her chatty kitten.


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