Bex Prime

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

open house

well last night marked the official beginning of matilda's scholastic career. her school held their open house for the elementary school kiddos. it was fantastic!

matilda was nervous at the beginning. my parent's went with us - to give her teacher the once over i think, HIM showed up even which was sort of refreshing. matilda sat with me most of the time and then switched around to other laps in the group. we listened to the prinicpal give his welcome to the new year speech, which was really nice. he made some jokes which were oddly funny - HIM never laughed once - he's evil.

then we met the teacher. she is young (younger than me i think), very nice and patient. i guess that's key when you're teaching 4 year olds. =) we went into her classroom and we listened to her explain how she teaches and what not. it was really a neat experience. matilda played at one of the tables with two other kiddos we met earlier. i was so happy to see her play with them. at least on the first day she'll recognize their faces. one little girl is so chatty and friendly, i really hope they sit near each other... unless of course she's TOO much of a chatterbox. i can't have matilda getting marks for talking too much. =)

all in all the evening was great. HIM couldn't have pretended to care less, which was a bit frustrating, but i finally realized what his problem was... i was calling the shots - not HIM. and HIM doesn't like that feeling. i was coridal. i introduced him to the admissions director and to the other people i knew but HIM couldn't have cared less. would've been nice to see him TRY to enjoy the experience, for matilda at least. oh well.... maybe one day.

the big day is friday - i have lots of things planned for my matilda to hopefully make the day go by smoother. i'll let you know how it goes.


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