Bex Prime

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


this post might seem silly to some of you, but for me it reinforced the goodness in other people and in how matilda is being brought up. i must be doing something right.

i witnessed two events which happened within minutes of one another. i had little to do with either decision involved but was happy to be present when it was made.

the first big choice involved my dear, sweet matilda. we were at a major supercenter store (name withheld but if you go about a mile from your house, you've got one there...) she wanted a toy. now, this isn't necessarily something i'm proud of, but matilda seems to think anytime we're in a store, she gets something. this was a poor choice i made when me and HIM seperated. i would take her grocery shopping and let her pick one thing. and now i'm paying for it... literally. today was different. she asked to go to the toy section and hesitantly i agreed. (don't ask me why, please just don't.) so there we are. among glistening dolls, shiny cars, colorful balls... she had settled for a ball until i found something i thought she might like. it was a read and learn bible. now in all seriousness, the ball would have been the cheaper choice, but for me, the bible made better sense. and with no prompting from me whatsoever, matilda chose the bible. she was so excited to see it. i mean, REALLY excited and pleased with her decision. so was i.

the second event that made me smile was when we were on our way home from said supercenter. we're driving along, traffic isn't so bad and we were getting close to home. when i saw two dogs crossing the median and heading into the traffic in front of me. i began to panic and to prepare myself for the first car to hit the first dog when i was presently surprised. the car actually came to a screeching halt, risking getting rear-ended by the car behind it, so the two little dogs could cross the street (somewhat safely).

now some of you might think this is nothing big to tell, but since moving into the city, well, life is much more fast paced than i thought. but one person was caring enough to slow down and not take the life of a crazy dog crossing the street. it made me smile and quietly thank that driver. i, myself, have been known to break for squirrels. and an early date with HIM, well, needless to say i cried like a baby when he hit and killed a raccoon. (should've known there was something wrong with HIM then, huh?) yes, i'm an animal lover. of all animals. big or little. well, i don't much care for rats or mice, but you know - as long as they stay in their space, it's all good.


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