Bex Prime

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

tis the season

yes, christmas time is upon us. and i'm ODing in the holidays. i've been listening to the nonstop christmas radio station since they started playing the festive tunes. (which was like thanksgiving day i think.)

my christmas shopping is done. i still need to find a few small things for matlilda to give my parents, but other than that, i'm done. thank goodness for black friday. nothing rings in the christmas joy than standing in line for 40 minutes to dash in the super center and buy stuff you think you're getting a good deal on. with total strangers who would cut you in a second if you snatched the last item. luckily the easy bake oven i was eyeing wasn't a hot ticket item so my life was spared when i grabbed it.

there's something about this time of year that is so very romantic to me. and it's weird for me to feel that way now that i have no romance in my life, but i still feel it. i hear these songs on the radio and the cold weather surrounding me outside... and it makes me hopeful that i will spend a future christmas with someone special. i know, i sound like a made-for-tv movie.

speaking of movies... 'ELF'! omg - that movie is my new holiday favorite. can't get enough of it. my parents think i'm nuts but, i'm sorry... when buddy screams that he knows santa, and freaks out when he hears santa is coming to the store... well, it's right up there with when grandma wraps the cat up for a present in 'christmas vacation'.

i'm going to my first holiday party next week. albeit with my parents, but it's a work party. sorta. a firm we do business with has a holiday party each year - free food, booze and fun. so i'm going. maybe i'll find a cute single guy to meet under the mistletoe. as if. i have another party the night after that one even. a friend at work has a holiday party at her house every year and last year it was so much fun. so i'm all geared up to go again. my close work friends will be there, along with other friends we all know. so it's sure to be fun fun fun.

so my holiday this year is shaping up rather nicely. matilda will have lots of goodies to open up and my distant family members are flying in to be with us for the first time in a long time. i can't wait.

tis the season, indeed.


Blogger Lyn said...

Oh yes ELF! We love that one. We introduced the boys to The Christmas Story this year and we have watched about 10 times already. Kidding, NOT!!!!

FA RA RA RA RA Cracks me up!

8:00 AM  

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