Bex Prime

Sunday, October 29, 2006

honey, i'm home!

yes i am... i am blogging from HOME!! EUREKA! and the best part...

i. am. wireless. woo hoo. it's actually very cool. so now i be online in bed, on the couch, in the bathroom.. don't worry about that though - that's kinda gross. i'll mainly surf from the couch, table or bed. come to think of it, online activity will be the ONLY activity my bed has seen EVER. hee hee

took about a week to get dsl successfully up and running. it also took LOTS of complaining and fussing with the fabulous customer service team at a popular dsl provider... which will remain nameless *cough sbc*. =)

so now, i can do whatever i'm NOT allowed to do at work. i can even surf porn if i wanted to. i don't but i could.

as happy as i am to finally be in the land of the internet from home, i have to sign off. because you see, it's a gorgeous day outside and i need to get matilda out in it. plus i have laundry to do so i need to get up and at em.

later for you, information super-highway. i'm going 'old school' and getting off for the moment. =)

Friday, October 27, 2006


yes, i'm in a total slump these days. don't know why either really. quite frankly, life is peachy keen but i just haven't been myself lately. nothing exciting to report, no new happenings going on in my world.

i've had a couple extra days with matilda and that's been loads of fun. no really - truly nice. she hasn't asked about HIM once. which surprised me a bit. apparently HIM had a work thing to attend out of town and matilda staye with me for his two days. i expected him to call and talk with her at some point, but i guess that was expecting too much. it's funny how different our worlds are. i call her after school if she's not with me. even if i dropped her off at school. HIM on the other hand... hasn't seen her since monday and hasn't called once. funny. and HIM is the one who wanted children in the first place. she is my world though. and i wouldn't have it any other way.

my friend lyn is going thru highs and lows in her family. the birth of a new baby and the loss of a life. two very extreme emotions and it's hitting her family at the same time. my heart goes out to everyone. this family is like glue. better than glue. they are so close to one another and support everyone you can't help but be upset when someone goes thru something terrible. well, when you read this lyn, know that i'm thinking of you and yours often. and 'g' is in my prayers as well.

on a lighter note... i'm in love with julian mcmahon. yes, mr. nip/tuck himself. lyn and i found some info on him the other day and i decided then and there - that i was totally infatuated with him. he's perfect. and if you've ever watched nip/tuck.. well, you know that his backside is pretty perfect in and of itself. and sometimes a single mom needs a nice booty to check out. and his is perfect. anyway - if you HAVEN'T seen the show... check it out. minus the kiddos. i can only watch it when matilda isn't with me. i don't even risk watching it if she's sleeping cause with my luck, she'd wake up just dr. troy (my julian's character) is walking around in his birthday suit... then i'd hear matilda say, 'he's NAKed.' followed by, 'why is he naked mommy?' only to be followed by, 'why are you watching this mommy?' cause mommy's don't like to see pretty naked men do plastic surgery on odd looking people. nah, not at all. =)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

hum-drum, ho-hum

well, it's hump day. nothing fun about that except that we're a couple days closer to the weekend. it's still too early to tell if i'll make it OVER the hump though. i'm 50/50 at this point.

it's going to rain... again. and my hair can't take much more of this dreaded humidity. it's like 200% today, as opposed to the usual 100%. thank goodness for humidity fighting hairspray. it does work.

matilda has announced that she doesn't want a birthday party this year. i was planning on something fun at a local eatery/game haven, but she said, 'no, i don't want a party. i just want to do something with you, grandmerry and granddaddy. ' now, that was about as cute as it could get, but i was surprised she didn't want something with her school friends. she really doesn't either. i waited a couple days and asked again... same answer. 'i don't want a party.' so... alas - she's not getting one.

i feel kinda odd about the whole thing actually. i won't force her to do something she doesn't want to do, but i feel bad that she'll tell other kids and HIM that she didn't have a party for her birthday. if i know matilda though, she'll say she didn't want one. and that's all that matters to me.

so now, i'm focusing on a good BIG present for her. one that will be educational, but fun. i was thinking of those handheld learning game things. i don't know. it's so hard because she'll play with something for a few days and then that's it... and i'll have spent 80 bucks on the thing. i'd like to find something that we can buy differnt games for. maybe that leapster thing is the answer. i'll have to see.

anyway - that's about it with me these days. i have this weekend on my own, minus my matilda... and i've decided to stay home alone friday night. i spend every second of the weekend with my parents and while i love them more than ever, i need some time away. so i've decided to spend friday evening alone. i'll pick up some sushi on my way home, maybe pop in a dvd and just relax and enjoy my time with myself. and the cat too of course. should be good.

who knows... i might even blog a little. =)

Friday, October 13, 2006

friday the 13th - update below...

yes, today is that infamous day. the day with jason voorhees stalked kids at crystal lake and made that weird noise... i refuse to type the sound because then i won't get it out of my head and quite frankly, i don't like that noise. =)

today i woke up early. 415am early. managed to stay in bed until 5am. had to deal with a chatty cat who kept meowing until i finally got out of bed... my shower went off without a hitch thankfully...the events that occured after my shower - not quite what i expected.

while getting dressed, i prick my finger with a safety, leaving a bit of blood on my WHITE dress shirt. i had no other options for attire today, so i had to figure out a way to conceal the blood, i think i'm pulling it off okay.

leaving the house, my car engine revved up a bit more than i remembered. then the engine light came on. now, i had to meet HIM to pick up matilda for school, so i simply HAD to drive it. i'm a little paranoid since it's like 630am, dark and i'm on the freeway with the engine light glaring at me. but i make it to my destination - ahead of schedule even. as i'm driving, i notice a LOT of cars basically parked on the freeway - heading the direction i NEED to go after getting matilda. so i'm beginning to strategize my route to her school.

i decide to go a different way than our normal route. you see, i bought a toll road pass so i have free reign on the tollroads now. EUREKA - it's fanstastic! so we get to school in record time. apparently people don't know about this tollroad cause it was generally empty. we're hanging out in the car, listening to music, then we walk to the school doors. and that's when it happened.

my FANTASTIC NEW LEOPARD SLINGBACKS BROKE. BROKE! i've worn them MAYBE 5 times since i bought them and i LOVE these shoes. i've gotta try and either take them back for a new pair or try to fix them somehow. i think they could be fixed, but i just don't know. these shoes are amazing. so, i'm walking thru matilda's school with one shoes securred to my foot while the other flops on and off. i take them off as soon as i get to my car and drive home to find ANOTHER pair of shoes. after trying on 2 pairs of boots, i'm ready for work. again.

thankfully the drive to work was hazard free and the boots are still in place. blood on shirt still concealed and that's about it... for now. of course i still have to drive HOME.

UPDATE: after arriving home, i managed to REMOVE one of my solar nails. you see, i was putting my laptop on the floorboard the passenger seat and well, it got stuck going down and when i lost grip on it, my nail bent back and tor in the middle. all the way down to the quick. hurt like a sonofagun, let me tell you. so needless to say, my fantastic shoes weren't the only things that broke today.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

access: denied!

okay, so at work we are no longer able to surf particular websites. games, online music, that sort of thing. well those didn't affect me too much. i seldom play games (no time to do that at work anyway), music - i have enough songs on my computer to occupy an entire work week, so that was okay too. i was not prepared for what happened next.

everyday i visit my most favorite website go fug yourself. it's incredibly funny, witty and silly - just like me. well, when i clicked on the favorite link... i got 'the screen.' not the screen i wanted to see, but the one telling me 'this site is prohibited.' WHAT?!? then i read further and it's in the 'entertainment' category which means it's not appropriate to surf at work. we have people hooking up on during the workday and i can laugh at britney spears latest ensemble? OH THE HUMANITY!

so at that moment, i decided to get a laptop for my home. it's 2006 - and i think it's time. so i ordered a trusty dell notebook which should arrive HOPEFULLY thursday of this week. i'm going wireless in my pad so i can even surf the web in my hall closet. and best of all. NO restrictions on what site i visit. it's all about me.

oh and get this... i couldn't even get a recipe from THAT was even restricted. a RECIPE site. it's okay though. i'm not bitter. well maybe just a bit.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

flickety flick!

okay so i have come to the conclusion that i'm a once-a-week blogger. take it or leave it, i say.

i have also decided that matilda is the class tattle tale. yeap. i raised a narc. now granted, i'm sure most of the things she's tattling are justifed, but then again, she's 4. she told me yesterday that a little girl, one who she WANTED to name our cat after, was teasing her. i asked HOW she was being teased and here's what she told me.

matilda: 'she said, "i can see your flashlight."'
now i'm wondering 'what are they using 'flashlight' as a code for these days?' could you see her underpants? could you see what? what is a flashlight!! well, i later found out that HIM gave matilda a keychain flashlight and her friend was merely pointing out the fact that she could see it.

i told my sweet girl that that wasn't teasing. she argued with me and then i realized... matilda had probably been asked by her teacher to put the flashlight AWAY and she did, but snuck it out again.. to which her friend was ever so gently letting her know - 'i see your flashlight' which was probably code for 'put it away before you get in trouble.'

another fun after school story was one about two little girls, three if you include matilda, the narc, on the playground during recess.

remember recess? a time to swing, laugh, feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face? well apparently recess has taken on a new meaning of 'fun'. it's called 'flicking'. i was told about how one little girl FLICKED another little girl right on her head! matilda, being the designated tattler, told her teacher what was going on and the alleged flicker got into a bit of trouble.

here's my thing... what do i teach her about tattling? obviously, if someone is getting hurt and can't tell the teacher, i think it would be okay for her to do that... but then again, do i really want her to be known as the girl who tattles? no, not really. i told matilda that the flickee should have told the teacher what happened, and if she, herself, were ever the flickee, then that's when she tells. but not when it's happening to someone else.

i know i'm going down the wrong path, it's just that this flicker girl is always into trouble. matilda tells me stories everyday about how she sticks her tongue out at kids, how she grabs people's lunch sacks, and now she's flicking them in the head. what's next?

i think i'm going to tell matilda to ignore her because it seems this little flicker girl is just in need of attention, anyway she can get it. and the more she gets it, the worse she'll be.

i'm just praying matilda doesn't get flicked by her. my luck she'll flick back and then i'll have to deal with the flicker's mother... wonder if she'd flick ME in the head.